chapter six ~ screwed up

Xander P.o.v

I was brought out of my thoughts as the door slams shut I look around to see Izzy had left. So I get up and head downstairs to get some lunch. Luna Clark was making spaghetti for lunch. Hey kiddo where is Izzy? Mrs. Clark ask me with a smirk on her face. That's when I see she's looking at my neck where my mark is.

I don't know she just left Xavier room so I figured you came down here. I tell mrs. Clark. she probably went to get changed she doesn't like to stay in the outfit she usually chooses for the beginning of the birthday party.

Once the party's over she goes and gets changed into something more casual. mrs. Clark. I guess it would be okay with that but not being with her kind of hurts because newly marked mate need to be close to each other at least a week before the mark it's fully set in place.

Lunch is ready we're having spaghetti. mrs. Clark says snapping me out of my thoughts. Thank you mrs. Clark. I say. You're welcome kiddo just sit there and eat. Me and mr. Clark have to go to the packhouse for some business. You know Alpha business.

In a week from now you'll be beta and my sweet Izzy will be Alpha. mrs. Clark says heading outside. Then I smell her so I look to see she indeed went and changed but not just her clothes but she died her hair blonde.

She got some spaghetti and walked to the front room and turned on the tv on Disney Channel watching Ravens home. I walk over to the couch and stand behind her. You dyed your hair. I ask and like she didn't want to talk to me she hurried to get done with her food once she finished with her food. Then she went and grabbed her keys to her car and went to the front door.

She went to open it but I grabbed her wrist. She turns around to face to me. Where are you going I asked. My voice held sadness from her ignoring me I just didn't get why she was ignoring me.

To go get fucked by some random human teenage boy who isn't hung up on there ex girlfriend. She says with anger lacing her voice. I can see that her wolf is showing. Mate is mad at us Xander. Ask why she is mad. Clif ask me. Ok. I say back. But before I can ask she ripps her wrist from my hold and says. I don't care if you are my mate don't touch me.

Her saying that hurt me. Izzy way are you acting like this? I ask her with the hurt showing in my eyes and voice. We marked each other I can read your mind. So go back to cat and be happy with her not having mood swings because she is not a alpha. Izzy says and walks out the door.

Shit I fucked up of course she read my mind she is an alpha. Because she is a alpha she needs time.


It had been 3 hours sense I have seen izzy left the house and I can't get he last words out of my mind. I know I messed up and that she is not gona want to talk to me but I think it's time I go and find her and apologize to her.

So I decided I run in wolf form. Sense the royal Alpha and Luna made a alliance with humans is the USA. Us werewolves can run free with out being scared to get caught by hunters. As I'm running past the bar named moon sine I see her car and shift back and get dressed and go in side.

When I'm in side I see Izzy making out with some random guy. I want to ripp his fucking head off for touching my mate. I make my way over so I'm now behind izzy. From the smell of the guy he's human. Izzy pulls away from the guy. I tap her shoulder she turns around. I glare at the human who dared to kiss my mate. He run to the other side of the bar.

Izzy come with me please I'm sorry. I beg her. Her eyes go to my lips when she says. Please tell me you ran here. Why is she asking if I run here she's not drunk or anything. Her eyes look up from my lips to make I contact. Ya I ran here why? I ask.

She pulls me out of the bar. Because I had one drink and can't drive. She say tossing the keys to me. Ok that make sense. I get in the driver's side and start the car. We sit in silence for five minutes before I brake it.

I'm sorry izzy. I was thinking of cat when you kissed me. I like how you have mood swings I think it's cute and I don't what to be with cat. I want to be with you if you wold have stayed you wold of known that I was thinking it was cute. I say. It okay me and Rosie come up with a plan to get pay back. And you saw it. She say. So she was the one who kissed the human guy. Please never do it again or I might lose control of my self and kill the poor guy. I say.

I won't do it again but you have to pack your things so you can move in to the Alpha House so stop by the packhouse ok. She say so I turn the way to the packhouse.


We just finished get my stuff set up in Izzy's room and is now getting ready for bed. I'm gonna go to take a shower. Izzy says. Don't forget clothes. I say. Because I know I might not be able to control myself if I see her in just a towel.