chapter sixteen ~ zanes temple

Ace pov

Today is the the day that we tell them when the war will be. Today is the day my plan goes in motion. Soon I will have blood moon pack as my own. That stupid brat will fall and once she does I'll take jade and give her to Zelda.

Mine and Zelda have become more then friends. She is better then my petty little nerd of a mate I rejected all those years ago. Zelda is powerful and would make a good Luna. She is the best and as soon as I mark her I will no longer feel when that stupid mate of mine is matting with another.

That slut married a male witch and had a stupid child that they named Zoe. Zeldas mate killed himself after meeting her. We are perfect for each other. All we have to worry about it's taking over the pack.

Alpha you have a visitor and she is not that happy she says you better meet her or she will blow up the house. Peter says. Zelda is powerful so I have no doubt that she will blow up the house. Take me to her. I say it will be fun to watch the Rogues cower when she yells.

We walked down the hall to my office. When we get there I hear things smashing. I open the door to see Zelda smashing things like there is no tomorrow. Baby what's wrong? I ask not knowing if I should approach her or not. Jade has competed the matting process with you mates kid Zoe. Now we can't take her powers because she has unlocked her full powers. Zelda says just grate.

It ok baby. You need to calm yourself down. It's gonna be OK we will find a way to brake the matting bond between the two ok. I say hopefully she'll calm down. What do we do if we can't the seer said that we will need her powers to unlock the temple of Zane the most powerful witch in all the world. She says.

Zane is the last known wich that had been selected by the moon goddess. Only a moon witch can enter. But not any moon witch it has to be his own blood.

Story time

Once there was a young moon witch that was selected by the moon goddess. His name was Zane. The moon goddess had given him a temple. She had named  the temple the temple of Zane. As the years went by Zane started to get lonely at his temple. So the moon goddess told him she would make him a mate on one condition.

He had to bring a stop to all the covens from doing dark magic and  He agreed. The moon goddess had given him a mate. Zane kept his part of the deal. He had stopped all dark magic form being used. But one coven refused to stop using dark magic. He had told the moon goddess that he had tried everything and nothing was working. The moon goddess saw that as she wach him closely so she said it was OK.

Three years later his mate had had a little girl who the moon goddess said will be the future of all witches. On day the family was on a walk and had been attacked by Rogues. The little girl was only 3 so Zane had told his mate to run and hide in a coven with their daughter. After that day no one knew what happened to Zane or were his mate and child were.

Story time over

We now know Jade is Zanes daughter