Chapter 2 Find Someone to Work

Charlie was Daniel's childhood playmate and they were very close.

Moreover, his parents often built houses for the underground city, and they were professional.

It was absolutely right to ask them to help dig the basement.

Nowadays, many people were looking for a job in the underground city to earn some living expenses.

The underground city was full of rich people. They didn't want to do hard work, so they could only find some people on the ground to work.

Daniel stood up and looked around the room. He put on all the clothes, quilts, towels and other things that could keep him warm.

He was afraid that his skin would be exposed to the air.

The temperature outside was only 50 degrees below zero. If he stayed outside for a long time, his life would be in danger.

If he didn't pay attention to his skin, he might get frostbite.

As soon as Daniel opened the door, a gust of cold wind blew on his face, which made him shiver.

"Wow! It's so cold!"

The ground outside was already covered with a thick layer of snow, and it took him a lot of effort to take a step forward.

Daniel then walked towards Charlie's house.

Fortunately, it was not far. More than 10 minutes later, Daniel arrived at Charlie's house.

Daniel looked around and was sure that this was Charlie's home.

Charlie was now living in a cellar, with more than one meter of snow on the ground. Without looking at the surrounding symbolic buildings, it was difficult to find the cellar.

Fortunately, the cellar temperature was high and the snow at the entrance was thin, so Daniel could easily see the entrance.

He knocked on the door of the cellar and saw Charlie.

"Daniel? Why are you here?"

"Come on in!"

Charlie asked Daniel to enter the cellar in a hurry. As expected, the temperature raised a lot, at least not so cold.

There was a fire that had just been extinguished in the room, which gave off heat, making the whole room very warm.

Charlie's parents were lying on the bed. In order to prevent the heat from dissipating, they were covered with clothes and quilt.

Charlie's mother was about to stand up when she saw Daniel.

Daniel hurriedly said, "Auntie, don't stand up. It's cold!"

Charlie's mother said to Charlie, "Don't stand still. Get a cup of hot water for Daniel and warm his body!"

Daniel took a sip of hot water and was touched.

Now, there was a shortage of water, although it was snowing heavily outside.

But the water melted by the snow was poisonous because almost all the water resources on the earth had been contaminated.

Daniel thought that it must have taken Charlie's parents a lot of effort to get the water in this cup.

After taking a sip, he felt the water was very bitter. There was nothing he could do about it.

The water was bought from the underground city, and it was of inferior quality. It was not purified enough and had a bitter taste, which was very bitter. Even so, the water was still hard to get.

"I have something to ask you for help!" Daniel spoke out about the purpose of his trip.

"Help? What's the matter?" Charlie was confused and wondered what Daniel could ask him for help.

"I want you to dig a basement for me! You know, I can't live in that house. If I continue to live there, you won't be able to see me."

Charlie nodded. He knew that Daniel's house was surrounded by air and he really couldn't live there anymore.

"But..." Charlie looked at his parents lying on the bed. They hadn't eaten enough for a long time and were very weak. They couldn't even walk steadily, let alone work.

There was not much work in the underground city these days, and there would be no food at their home soon.

Daniel knew that Charlie's family was having a hard time, so he took out a can from his clothes.

"I won't let you do it for nothing. I have some food. You can take it first. If it's not enough, I have more."

As Daniel spoke, he took out cans of food from his clothes.

After a while, he took out a dozen cans.

Charlie was stunned. How could he have so many cans?

"You... Where did you get so many cans?"

Charlie couldn't believe what he saw. There were so many cans that he couldn't buy them easily.

If you wanted to buy it, others might not necessarily sell it!

These were all life-saving things.

Daniel chuckled, "I found a job in the underground city last week. My boss gave it to me!"

Daniel told a lie.

"Is your boss so generous?"

Charlie thought this reason made sense, so he let it go.

"Don't stand still. Enjoy your meal!" Daniel picked up a few cans and handed them to Charlie and his parents.

Looking at the can in his hand, Charlie licked his lips and directly opened it to eat.

Seeing the three of them eating the can, Daniel smiled with relief.

These three people were the closest people to Daniel in this parallel world.

The Charlie family often helped Daniel. If it weren't for them, Daniel wouldn't have grown up.

So Daniel was very grateful to them.

After eating the can, Charlie suddenly thought of something. "By the way, I heard that we were about to have an earthquake!"

What? Earthquake?


Daniel was speechless. He had just wanted to dig a basement but it was about to earthquake.

"When will the earthquake happen?" Daniel wanted to know the exact time.

"A month later!"

Shit! His task was to dig a basement within a month, but it was about to be an earthquake.

The impact was so strong that the basement would collapse!

The intensity of the current earthquake was not weak at all. Any earthquake had a magnitude of seven or eight. If unfortunately, the level 9 earthquake started!

If the new basement had no defensive equipment, it would collapse easily, not to mention that he had to dig a basement of 200 square meters.

The bigger the space was, the easier it would collapse.

"We have to take defensive measures before the earthquake." Daniel thought for a while.

He knew that system would help him reinforce the basement.

He had planned to ask Charlie and the others to help him, but now he couldn't.

The four of them dug the basement in a month and took defensive measures. It was not enough time.

"Charlie, uncle, aunt, can you find more people to help me dig out the basement?"

"I don't have money, but cans are enough!"

Then he took out 20 more cans from his clothes.

"You..." Charlie's jaw dropped again.

Looking at the mountain-like cans in front of him, he was speechless.

"So many cans! Daniel, what on earth have you done for others?" Charlie's father exclaimed.

"My boss said that as long as you do well, you can have a lot of cans!"