Chapter 3 Digging the Basement

Daniel had no choice but to use the boss as an excuse.

"But it's useless for you to dig the basement now. When the earthquake comes, the basement will be gone!" Charlie advised.

"It doesn't matter! The basement only needs to be reinforced. It doesn't matter!" Daniel said.

"But..." Charlie wanted to say something more but was stopped by his father.

"Charlie, come on! Go and find some people to help Daniel!"

Although he didn't know what Daniel wanted to do, he had so many cans with him, which was really appetizing.

Charlie and others really needed these cans. If they didn't help Daniel, they wouldn't be able to take these cans.

Looking at Daniel, Charlie's father smiled and said, "Don't worry. We will help you build a solid basement!"

Daniel nodded with a smile and went back home.

Charlie was really efficient. On the second day, he brought more than 10 people and came to Daniel's house.

They were friends of Charlie's parents and worked in the underground city.

During this period of time, there was not much work in the underground city, and most people were idle at home.

They were about to run out of food.

As soon as they heard that Charlie had a job introduced to them and there were cans to eat.

They were all willing to come out to work.

Daniel had already put a pile of cans at home.

As soon as these people entered the door, they saw hill-like cans, and immediately drooled.

"There are so many cans!"

"What a powerful boss!"

Before coming here, Charlie had told them that Daniel had a rich boss.

If it weren't for the fact that Daniel had someone to back him up, they might have taken these cans away.

With food as a reward, it was more tempting than money.

Money still needed to be changed for food, and these cans were placed here, and they could eat after work!

Everyone wanted to eat more!

The efficiency of more than a dozen people was very fast. In just a day, the basement was dug out one hundred square meters.

It seemed that everything would be done in two days.

But these people were also very tired. After working for a day, they were so tired that they fell to the ground.

They hadn't eaten enough, and now they had such hard work. They were really tired.

Daniel gave each of them two jars of food, and a dozen of people's eyes lit up at the sight of them.

They started to gobble down the food.

"Eat slowly. There are still more if it's not enough!"

The worker shouted while eating, "Boss, you are so generous!"

Daniel's words made them happy.

He continued, "When you go back later, each of you will take a few more jars."

That was great. How could they take it?

Everyone wanted to spend the rest of their lives here!

On the second day, the basement was almost dug out.

At the moment of completion, a voice came to Daniel's mind.

"Congratulations on completing the task, host. The current level of protection: Level one! It could resist the preliminary natural disaster!"

"Reward you with a small generator! 500 kilograms of diesel!"

"Task completion rate: 100%, get 100 gold coins!"

"Haha! The reward is coming so soon!" Daniel said excitedly.

"Gold coins?"

Daniel opened the system shop and saw a variety of things.

In addition to food and water, there were also things like flying crafts and armored cars.

Gold coins could be used to buy anything he wanted in the shop, provided gold coins were sufficient.

"New task: reinforce the shield in a month!"

"Task reward: A large distiller!"

"Great! A distiller!" With this equipment, the problem of water supply would be solved!

He didn't need to buy water from the underground city anymore! The water in the underground city was not only expensive but also terrible!

Daniel needed to power up all the rooms in the basement.

The basement was dark without electricity.

He walked out of the basement and looked around.

After making sure that no one was there, he opened the system warehouse and thought of something.

On the ground, there was a small generator and two buckets of diesel.

Then he went into the basement again and shouted, "Help me carry something!"

Although it was a small one, Daniel couldn't carry it alone.

"What's this?" Everyone was confused when they saw the thing in front of them.

"This is a generator!" Daniel said.

"A generator?"

"Where did you get the generator?"

The generator was very powerful. With the generator, they didn't have to pay high electricity fees.

However, for ordinary people, the actual effect of the generator was not very great.

Because it was not enough just to have a generator. You still had to have some diesel to start the generator.

These two things were very scarce, and ordinary people could not get them.

They carried the generator to the basement.

Daniel asked someone to make the electric wire and turn on the light.

Then he poured the diesel into the fuel port of the generator and pressed the start button. The generator instantly let out a roar.

The whole basement was lit up.

"Wow! That's awesome! It's really a generator!"

What Daniel did surprised everyone.

Charlie pulled Daniel aside and asked in a low voice, "Where did you get the generator and the diesel?"

"Of course my boss gave it to me! He heard that I was going to dig the basement, so he got me a generator." Daniel resolutely put the blame on the boss.

Charlie felt something was wrong, but he didn't ask more.

Daniel planned to reinforce his basement. These more than 10 people had to work together.

"You can stay here for the next few days. Don't go back. There is electricity and food here."

"I need your help to reinforce the basement." Daniel said.

They were very happy to hear that there was still work to do.

As long as they could have a bite, they were willing to do anything.

It took a lot of cement to reinforce the basement. After discussing with the others, it would take about four thousand or five thousand kilograms of cement to consolidate the whole basement.

But he had to go to the underground city to get the cement. Only there could he buy it.

After packing up, Daniel left.

The city he was in was called Suez City, and the underground city was named after it.

At the entrance of Suez underground city, there was a huge cave.

From the cave came the underground city.

The cave was now full of people.

Many people wanted to enter the cave. Some wanted to find a job there, and some wanted to find a place to live.

Anyway, as long as they were not outside, they could do anything.

However, it was not easy for anyone to enter the underground city. People who didn't draw a lot couldn't live here.

In the evening, all the residents on the ground had to leave the underground city, or they would be punished.