Chapter 4 Enter Underground City

From the ground to the underground, they needed to go through two elevators.

The two elevators were the only passage connecting the ground and the underground.

One of the elevators was big, another was small. The big one was enough to accommodate hundreds of people.

The small one could only enter more than 10 people.

All the people crowded the big elevator, but no one came into the small elevator for a long time.

The reason was that the big elevator was very cheap, and the small elevator charge was very expensive.

Daniel walked towards the small elevator to everyone's surprise.

Many people saw this scene and discussed, "Look at that man. He is dressed in such shabby clothes. He still wants to take the small elevator!"

"Yes, he doesn't know the price of that elevator, does he?"

"Haha! He must have passed there because no one was there. He really doesn't know who he is!"

Of course, Daniel heard all the sarcasm from the crowd, but he didn't want to pay attention to it.

He walked to the elevator, took out five cans from his clothes and handed them to the staff.

Under everyone's astonishment, he walked into the elevator.


"Did he just take out five cans?"

"Is... Is that so?"

"Why are there so many cans just for a small elevator?"

"It's a reckless waste of natural resources!"

"Shame on you!"

Daniel looked at them with a smile. His time was precious. He had to save it.

After a while, Daniel arrived at Suez underground city.

Surrounded by lights, the city was colorful.

Most of the people here were dressed in bright clothes.

There was a calm expression on their face.

It was in stark contrast to the people outside who were rushing to survive.

"Ironic!" Daniel sighed helplessly.

Those who came to work outside worked hard every day to support these idlers!

Daniel found a trading market and wanted to buy cement here.

There were a lot of people in the market. Although the market was not very formal, there was also a market where people bought and sold by force.

But it was a small black market with almost everything here, so there were a lot of people.

Someone came here to find a job, and someone came here to buy some living goods.

Someone was buying people's lives here!

There were many kinds of things to deal with.

Daniel had been shopping for a long time, but he didn't find anyone selling cement.

Maybe ordinary people wouldn't buy it.

Most of the people who bought cement were to build a shelter, but those who had money to buy cement were unlikely to live underground.

The rich people of the underground city wouldn't buy cement, because their accommodation was ready-made.

Therefore, Daniel didn't see anyone selling building materials.

He was about to leave and go somewhere else to have a look.

Suddenly, a noise came from a place ahead.

Daniel wanted to see what was going on.

When he approached, he found a group of people quarreling here.

It was a hotel with many people gathering at the gate.

"Sir, you can sell a house to us!"

"We have money. We can give you more!"

"That's right! Even if the room is small, it's okay!"


Daniel understood that they were trying to find a place to live.

According to the rules of the underground city, people who didn't have a place to stay could only go back to the ground at night.

Therefore, they were eager to find a place to live.

But the hotel was already full of people, so there was no spare room. Therefore, these people surrounded the door of the hotel and did not want to leave.

The boss repeated that there was no room left, but these people didn't believe it.

Due to the earthquake a month later, people on the ground swarmed into the underground city for refuge, which was much more crowded than before.

The rooms in the hotel had already been sold out.

"I have a room for you!" Daniel shouted in the middle of the crowd.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were attracted.

"What? You have a room?"

"I want it! I want it!"

"I want one too!"

"And me!"

Daniel had planned to have a look, but it suddenly occurred to him that he could rent out his shelter and make some pocket money.

So he wanted to take in several tenants.

"Let's make a deal first. My room is on the ground. Three thousand dollars per month! The electricity is free!" Daniel said.

Everyone was unhappy to hear that the room was on the ground.

"What? On the ground?"

"Are you kidding me? I came from the ground. Do you want me to go back?"

"Exactly! Isn't he happy with us?"

"What's the big deal with free electricity? Can't we afford it?"


Originally, Daniel was surrounded by a group of people, but after a while, they all left.

Daniel was also a little depressed. As long as these people heard that their residence was on the ground, they wouldn't go there!

This trip to recruit a tenant was over!

When he was about to leave, someone suddenly stood in front of him.

Daniel looked up and was stunned.

He saw a girl about 20 years old, with blonde hair and blue eyes and a tall nose standing in front of him.

At a glance, Daniel could only describe this person with one word: Beauty.

Judging from the girl's dressing, she must be from a rich family.

"Well... This..."

"Well... Sister..."

Daniel suddenly realized that he couldn't speak.

He pinched his thigh hard.

Before Daniel could say anything, the girl asked:

"Did you just say that you have a spare room?"

Daniel nodded.

"Free electricity?"

Daniel nodded.

"Can you take me there?"

Daniel nodded.

After a while, Daniel took the girl to his basement.

Daniel introduced, "This is my residence. I just dug it out and haven't sorted it out. What do you think?"

The girl saw the generator in the corner at a glance. "Where did you get the generator? And the diesel?"

Daniel laughed, "It's a secret!"

The girl didn't ask any more questions. She looked around and walked around.

After a long while, she said, "This place is okay, but is it safe here?"

Daniel knew that she was worried about the earthquake a month later.

"It doesn't matter. I went to the underground city this time to get some cement and reinforce this place."

"It will be fine after the reinforcement is finished."

The girl nodded.

"Okay, I've checked it. It's okay here. Are you sure it's free electricity?" The girl asked again.

"For free!" Daniel knew that it was inconceivable to have free electricity. In this world, electricity was as scarce as food.

It was really attractive to have a free electricity supply.

That was why the girl could come here.