Chapter 5 A Mysterious Tenant

"My name is Jinx. What I want to do is very important. There is no evidence. Write a statement."

Obviously, she still didn't believe that Daniel could provide the electricity for free. Daniel couldn't help but wonder what Jinx was going to do.

"Okay. Do you have a pen and paper?"

Daniel smiled. He had a lot of diesel, so he was not afraid that he couldn't do it. Moreover, he had the system. As long as he could complete the task, resources were not a problem at all.

"There is no paper, you can use this."

A light green handkerchief with a greengage embroidered on it was handed over by Jinx. It was hard to believe that someone would use this handkerchief these days. When touching it, the material was quite good!

It seemed that Jinx's family was not ordinary, but he just doesn't know why she ended up renting a house now.

Daniel quickly wrote down the words. As long as the electricity was off once because of human reasons, he would give Jinx one hundred cans.

He pressed the fingerprint. If Daniel broke the rule, he would be punished by the underground city. No matter how powerful Daniel was, he couldn't escape.

Jinx was a little confused. This guy looked like a poor man. He promised to provide free electricity and wrote down one hundred cans casually.

The two kinds of things, including diesel and can, were rare materials. She didn't know how Daniel got them.

Putting away the handkerchief, Jinx looked around and said, "My things will be delivered soon. At that time, there are a few more people who will live here. Is it okay?"

"No problem. But you have to pay the rent."

Daniel said with a smile.

With some hesitation, Jinx said, "The rent is okay, but I have a lot of electric appliances and will consume a lot of power."

Definitely, she was from a rich family. Unlike Daniel, his family was nothing. She could get whatever she wanted and pay the rent of several people without blinking.

If it weren't for the free electricity, she wouldn't come here.

Daniel replied, "No problem. But Miss Jinx, can you pay the rent for a few months first? You know, it's really difficult to buy cement."

Hearing this, Jinx stared at Daniel in confusion and said in a persuasive tone, "Why do you have to build a basement on the ground? You only have one life. Do you think that you can resist the earthquake with cement?"

Then she pointed around.

There was almost nothing in the basement.

It was really four walls.

What's more, she didn't plan to stay here for a full month. After all, if she had to stay here for a month. When the earthquake came, she had no place to run. During this period, she had to look for a house in the underground city.

Daniel took a few steps forward and grinned, "I said that I would make sure you are safe and sound in a month. You won't lose a hair! Do you believe me?"

Jinx felt that this guy must be crazy. Even the underground city, which had been reinforced for countless years, might be destroyed by the earthquake. Just by relying on a small basement, he didn't know how to die!

Seeing the expression on her face, Daniel knew that she didn't believe it.

If she believed it, it would make Daniel feel strange.

It was unrealistic to rent a house to buy cement. It seemed that he could only use another trick.

"Miss Jinx, I have something that I don't know if you are interested in."

Everyone was interested in it!


Daniel put his hand behind his back. As soon as his mind moved, a can appeared in his hand and was put in front of him.

It was a can of vegetables.

Yes, vegetables were much more expensive than meat. After all, there was no sunlight, so planting vegetables became a problem. It was said that they were studying vegetables that did not need sunlight now.

"I have some can for sale. What do you think, Miss Jinx?"

"You're the first person I've seen to sell a can of vegetables."

Jinx glanced at the can with a strange look.

Then she asked, "Do you have many vegetable cans?"

"It's not a problem. The problem is how much do you want, Miss Jinx?"

"You need to reinforce the basement. A few tons of cement is enough. How about this? I'll give you 5,000 gold coins for ten vegetable cans. What do you think?"

Jinx stretched out a snow-white jade finger.

When the disaster came, all the paper money had been abolished.

Gold coins became the only hard currency.

Daniel smiled and said, "Miss Jinx, you don't look like a master at bidding. It's a great loss for me to exchange ten for 5,000 gold coins. I don't know the price of the vegetable can, but I can guess it roughly. How about ten for 7,000 gold coins?"

Jinx agreed without hesitation and even showed a complacent smile. At that moment, Daniel felt that he was cheated.

Well, that's all.

However, Jinx did something unexpected.

She didn't take the can from Daniel, but said in surprise, "I didn't expect you to have so much. Can't you enjoy yourself? What's the use of getting some money?"

She put her hand on the can and gently pushed it towards Daniel, "I'll sponsor you. Keep the can yourself."

Daniel was slightly stunned, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly. He put away the vegetable cans directly and said, "Miss Jinx, trust me, this will be the best choice you have made."

Jinx waved her hand and didn't care.

What a rich woman.

After getting the money, Daniel walked towards the underground city. He had to finish the task as soon as possible and get the distillation machine. It was so important that he didn't want to drink the bitter water anymore.

He could even sell water, which was also a way to make money. At that time, the decoration of the basement would need money in all aspects.

When Daniel arrived at the underground city, Jinx finally got her electric appliance.

"Oh, honey, I don't understand why you chose such a place. Don't you know that an earthquake is coming in a month?"

A middle-aged man, who looked a little similar to Jinx, said in confusion as soon as he came in and observed the basement.

They used to live in the other underground city, but the underground city was destroyed in the disaster before, so they escaped to the Suez underground city here.

Jinx first came to the Suez underground city to look for a house, but he didn't expect that she would find such a simple house without any security measures.

Behind the middle-aged man was an old man about 60 or 70 years old, with his hands behind his back. His hair was half white. Looking at the shabby place, he did not question but ordered the people behind him to move in furniture one by one.

"Tell me a good reason why you chose this place, my dear granddaughter."

The old man was Jinx's grandfather, Hoth.

The middle-aged man was her father, the current head of the Rogers family, Puth.

"Because the electricity is free here," said Jinx with a smile.

She paused.

"What's more, the owner of this place is very interesting. He... Seems to have some means to get the rare vegetable can and wants to reinforce this place to resist the earthquake a month later."