Chapter 197 Terrifying Aura

"Daniel, you're back. Where are you?" Peter's voice was heard soon.

"I'm at the top of the mountain in the northeast of the city. What's wrong with the city? Did you make a move in advance?"

"We didn't make a move. An unknown flying squad approached us and was discovered by the air defense radar in the city!"

"Which plane? A fighter or a helicopter?"

"According to the feedback from Villemain, it should be a helicopter. The fighter is not that slow!"

"The congregation of gods knows our existence and are ready to attack us. It's very likely that plane belongs to the congregation of gods!"

Daniel gritted his teeth secretly, but he was a little confused in his heart. "It shouldn't be so soon. They said that they were going to take action, and the plane would arrive directly at this time?"

"Do we need to control the Villemain? Get the high-speed shooting machine gun?" Peter asked.

"Don't worry. Winnie is on our side. I've brought all the rebellious soldiers back."