Chapter 198 What's Going On

Winnie nodded, turned around, and rushed to the command center with his men.

He was a smart man. He didn't want to die!

If he couldn't help the Phoenix Army take down the city today, he and his father would both die. Because the two men in black robes following him had already lifted the hood on his head.

"What the hell are these two mutated zombies?"

At this moment, Winnie had ten thousand horses galloping in his heart. Who on earth were these people? How could the mutated zombie be under their control?

With fear and trepidation, Winnie rushed into the command room with a group of people.

Villemain frowned and looked at Winnie and Christopher. He just got the news that Captain Daniel led the team out of the gathering place, and the helicopter group had stopped moving on from the radar screen.

"Christopher, what's going on?"

Villemain asked. He sensed that something was wrong. Christopher in front of him was now wearing a full set of biological armor, full of murderous will.