Didn't He Mind Drowning?

Instead of living well by herself, Hisaki also yearned to help her own family despite their strained relationship. If the family shop grew bigger and gained more profits, their financial status would rise.

Perhaps, it was possible if her parents wanted to move out of their old house.

Even though her own mother didn't tell her anything, Hisaki knew she longed to be freed from the suffocating place they called home.

The point was that her father had to be willing to change first.

"It's alright, everything would be fine."

After stabilizing her emotions, Hisaki slowly made her way to the Ikeda family home.

From a distance, she faintly heard the sound of feathers flapping in the sky followed by the gently rolling waves to the shore. The air was imbued by collectives of cheerful laughter.

It might still be early in the morning but, visitors had begun to flock to the beach. They had picnics, swam in the cool blue water and played various types of games.

Hisaki had yet to go to the town's beach ever since she stepped foot at this place again. In her previous life, she and her old man often walked barefoot along the shore with their hands intertwined together.

Being awkwardly and foolishly cheesy as always, the older Heisuke loved to say his love for her was as vast as the blue sky while the deep blue sea was how he saw himself drowning in her love.

Hisaki often pinched him on the arm while laughter kept bubbling in her mouth. She would next jokingly ask him, didn't he mind drowning? His answer was to gently bring her into his arms.

The fond and precious memories brought a smile to Hisaki's face. In a corner of her heart, she wondered when could she walk along the beach with her old man again.

Hisaki arrived at the Ikeda family home ten minutes later. She rang the doorbell. After a few minutes, someone opened the door from the inside.

It was a man in his late 40s. Although he was much younger than how Hisaki remembered, she still knew who was this man.

"Ah, are you Miss Chisaka?" The man who wore glasses asked Hisaki with a confused look, "Mayuka said you should be here by now."

"Hello, are you Mr. Ikeda?" Hisaki purposedly asked his identity. She gave the older man a polite bow, "Yes, I'm Chisaka Hisaki, you can just call me Hisaki. I'm here to meet Mayuka."

Mr. Ikeda smiled at her. He opened the door wider.

"Please come inside. Mayuka is getting ready. It's getting hot already."

"Thank you, Mr. Ikeda. Pardon my intrusion."

Hisaki followed Mr. Ikeda walking down the entryway. The middle-aged man glanced at her once before he kept his eyes in front of him.

"My wife and Mayuka told me about your situation. I hope you can be at ease here. Reach us out if you ever need our assistance."

Hisaki couldn't help but deepen her smile. She replied softly, "Thank you, Mr. Ikeda. I'd surely do so."

"Haha, you don't have to be too formal with me," Mr. Ikeda laughed heartily. The eyes behind the glasses crinkled, "Just call me Uncle Yasushi."

Mr. Ikeda had just arrived home. Despite looking exhausted, he could still entertain the guest. He was certainly a gentle husband and father to his family.

"Hisaki! Did you wait long?"

Mayuka ran down the hallway. She was busy rummaging for things inside her sling bag.

"No, ah. I've just arrived," answered Hisaki, "Where are we going, actually?"

Mayuka didn't exactly specify where would she be taking Hisaki to. She just asked the latter out for a weekend outing.

"Do you remember Sister Kurumi from the inn? She said her inn would hold an event today so, I'm taking you there," explained Mayuka while zipping the sling bag.

"Oh, what kind of event?"

What kind of exciting matter waiting for her today?

The two young ladies left the traditional courtyard house after bidding goodbye to the tired Mr. Ikeda. Mrs. Ikeda was currently at the nursing home.

Mayuka brought Hisaki to walk on a familiar path to the latter. She had passed through the inn several times in her previous life. Hisaki knew the inn with its new name, Sakurasou Inn. Before the inn was sold to a new owner, it was known simply as Kubota Inn.

"There's a summer festival in the yard opposite the inn. Sister Kurumi said they collaborating with the town hall to organize it. This might be the last summer festival so, I have to invite you!"

"Hahaha, what a perfect way to start the weekend," responded Hisaki with laughter.

From next week onwards, Hisaki wouldn't be able to meet Mayuka easily again. The latter had to return to her university once summer break ended. Even Mari and Takuya who went to different ones would do the same even though it wouldn't happen in the same week.

Thinking of Mari, Hisaki knew she had to contact her friend before Mari left their hometown. She still hadn't inquired about the one who might betray Mari like what happened before.

If certain things wouldn't change in the future, the traitor might do the same even in this timeline.

Soon, Hisaki and Mayuka got closer to the festival ground. The merry melody of the festivities added colors to a bleak weekend day. People kept coming and going from one stall to the next even though it was still early.

Hisaki couldn't differentiate who were the locals and who were the tourists. Everyone was having fun.

On the opposite side of the main road, a large traditional inn stood proudly. The staff in cream-colored yukata and dark haori greeted the patrons politely before leading them inside the lobby.

"The town hall allows the locals to set up their stalls. It's great to boost the economy," Mayuka led Hisaki to a stall selling popsicles. Both of them joined the queue, "They have activities here too. The inn is responsible for them."

Hisaki let her eyes wander to her surroundings. She had just noticed a few canopies were elevated on the inn ground's right side. From the look of it, the activities mentioned by Mayuka would be held there.

"Here you go."

"Thank you. Ah, it's cute!"

Mayuka handed Hisaki a bunny-shaped popsicle. The color pink of the icy desserts enticed Hisaki's appetite. She took a lick of the popsicle.

Sweet strawberry flavors burst all over her tongue.

"Oh~ So sweet and icy!"

The two maidens laughed together.

Hisaki and Mayuka walked all over the festival ground. The former was pleasantly surprised by what she found there. This festival was on a smaller scale unlike in her previous life but, the excitement was just the same.

"Let's go and check them out," Mayuka gestured at the canopies.

"Are they playing some games?" Hisaki also was interested in the activities.

When the two ladies reached the first canopy, they saw two rows of children were busy coloring on white papers. A long and wide mat was placed on the ground.

Some children lay on their stomachs while the others sat with their legs crossed. Various kinds of colored pencils were scattered on the mat. The parents sat nearby the little turnip heads, giving them adorable encouragement.

At the second canopy, it was a flower arrangement contest. Most of the participants were ladies. A small part of them were males. While they were concentrating on their own pieces, the happy and playful conversations they shared lightened the atmosphere.

"Do you wanna join any?" asked Mayuka who had finished her popsicle.

"I'll just take a look," Hisaki took Mayuka's popsicle stick before throwing it inside a trash can together with her own, "By the way, can we visit inside the inn too?"

"We can. As long as we don't go up the guest room floors."

Thus, the two ladies entered the inn. They were given a pair of home slippers each before they were allowed inside. One of the attendant staff gestured at them to follow a path.

"This inn was established more than two decades ago. I remember I always came here to play with Sister Kurumi."

The lobby on the left side was separated by several wooden paper partitions. In each section, the visitors were entertained with the history of the town, its specialties and the inn's first establishment.

"Hisaki, is that you?"

A pleasant female voice called Hisaki from behind. She quickly averted her gaze away from the colorful map of the town and looked behind her.

"Aunt Yasumi!"

Mrs. Saeki had just walked past the partitions when her eyes caught the face of someone familiar. She didn't expect to see Hisaki here. It seemed like she came to this inn with the daughter of the Ikeda couple.

"Aunt Yasumi, you look pretty in the yukata," Hisaki complimented her mother-in-law. Her eyes went up and down at the woman's appearance.

"You flatter me. It's just the inn-issued yukata. Have you been here for long?"

Mrs. Saeki wore a maroon-colored yukata, unlike the cream ones most of the female attendants wore. Her long hair was coiled up into a neat bun.

Hisaki quietly thought the different color signified her mother-in-law's position in this place. Only a small number of staff wore the same color as Mrs. Saeki's yukata.

Hisaki, Mrs. Saeki and Mayuka chatted for a bit before the older woman had to leave. She still had an engagement to attend to.

Right after Mrs. Saeki left, another familiar face appeared nearby them.

"Mayuka! Ah, Miss Chisaka is here too."

Kubota Kurumi happily waved at them as she made a beeline toward the two maidens. Unlike Mrs. Saeki and the others' plain yukata, she wore one with floral motives.

"Sister Kurumi, you don't have to be too formal ah," Mayuka playfully chided at her, "Just call her Hisaki. You guys would meet more often later."

"Hahaha! It's my bad! By the way, are you guys free? Could you do me a favor?"

The mischievous glint in Kurumi's eyes instantly made Hisaki and Mayuka looked at each other.