I Miss You So Much Even Though You're Here

"Is this forced labor?" Mayuka asked jokingly.

"Hahaha, I don't mind since we get to wear pretty yukata," Hisaki answered cheerfully as her laughter bubbled.

Because the inn was short-staffed, Kurumi quickly enlisted Mayuka and Hisaki's help. One of the female attendants brought the two ladies to a room where they needed to change their clothes.

Both of them wore the same cream-colored yukata as the others. Mayuka sported a high ponytail with a yellow ribbon while Hisaki chose to braid her hair first before twisting it into a bun.

"Please take these trays out and serve the drinks to the guests outside," The female attendant who accompanied Hisaki and Mayuka earlier gave a brief explanation, "The weather is getting hot. We don't want anyone to have heatstroke."


"Leave it to us."

Hisaki and Mayuka took one tray each. Paper cups that were filled with cold barley tea lined up inside the tray. They wore their shoes and began to distribute the drinks to the visitors who roamed in the front yard.

Aside from them, there were a few attendants who did the same. Some of them even brought out cool puddings. The visitors were delighted with the hospitality shown by the inn's management.

"Give me the last cup!"

Hisaki stopped walking. One hand reached out to the last paper cup on her third tray.

When she looked properly, it was Shuuya. A young woman with shoulder-length hair stood next to him. She was half a head shorter than Shuuya.

This woman was Aino.

"Aino, this is the new tenant, Miss Chisaka Hisaki," Shuuya introduced Hisaki to his fiancee before the latter could say anything. With one glance, he looked back at Hisaki, "I didn't know that you work part-time here."

"Miss Kubota asked me and Mayuka for help," Hisaki ignored Shuuya. She smiled at Aino, "Hello, I'm Chisaka Hisaki."

"Hello, Miss Chisaka," Aino gave her a friendly smile, "My name is Noguchi Aino."

"She's my soon-to-be wife," Shuuya proudly added, "So beautiful, isn't she?"

Aino glared at him. Her cheeks reddened, resembling round apples. Shuuya just laughed as he handed the cup of drink to her.

Hisaki chuckled softly. Shuuya loved to tease Aino whenever he could.

"You make a beautiful couple," Hisaki sang the same tune to Shuuya. She earnestly wished, "I hope you two would have a beautiful wedding and marriage."

Those were her heartfelt words. In her previous life, Shuuya and Aino were happily married. Even though Shuuya often financially supported Mrs. Saeki during the years Heisuke was imprisoned, the kind Aino didn't argue with him.

In fact, she also made some time to visit the mother of her husband's dear friend. Hisaki got to know Aino more through the visits.

"Please come to our wedding," Aino smilingly extended the invitation despite this being their first meeting in this life, "I'll have someone to send you a card. Shuuya told me that you're from Najima City."

"Hehe, it's so far, right?" Hisaki was more than willing to get closer with Aino again, "Thank you for the invitation. I'll make sure to be there."

"Oh ya, haven't you been to the backyard of the inn?" Shuuya blurted out.

"No, why?"

Hisaki only wandered in the front yard because the others covered the backyard vicinity.

A grin spread across Shuuya's face, "The view of the backyard is prettier. You should go there before you go back to the apartment."

"Oh... okay."

Hisaki was unsure why did Shuuya generously tell her that. Right after she turned around, the man called her again.

"Didn't you say you wanna plant some flowers? Just do it. It'd make the apartment prettier. Tell me if you need the necessary tools."

Hisaki beamed into a smile. She thanked Shuuya before making her way back inside the lobby.

A few days ago, Hisaki encountered Shuuya again when he came out of the office at the apartment. She voiced her plan to build flower beds in the yard. Because he was in a hurry, Shuuya didn't immediately give her the answer.

"Hisaki, thanks for your help!"

Kurumi was overseeing the lobby when she saw Hisaki walking in with an empty tray.

"Do you need more help, Sister Kurumi?"

Hisaki gently wiped the sweats on her forehead. She had to admit the outside was really hot!

"Go and take a breather," Kurumi instructed someone to take the tray from Hisaki's hands, "I think I saw Mayuka earlier. She might head to the backyard. Don't forget to have some refreshments!"

"Alright. Thanks, Sister Kurumi."

Hisaki immediately left the lobby. She quietly maneuvered her way until she found the backyard. Both the visitors and the inn staff were there. The coming gentle breeze helped to alleviate the heat.

"I should find a place to sit," murmured Hisaki under her breath.

Most of the visitors flocked to the side where a beautiful lake spanned across the backyard. Hisaki didn't head there because it was too crowded. She helped herself to a cup of drink before walking further away from the crowd.

At one secluded corner, Hisaki found a wooden table with garden chairs. She quickly went there. The neatly-trimmed bushes and a short tree provided her shade against the sun.

'It's so peaceful.'

Hisaki tilted up her head. She threw her gaze to the vast and clear blue sky. The wind orchestrated the small puffy clouds to gently move in the sky. As half of the sun got hidden behind them, the heat of the day slowly cooled down.

'Is he at work? Or, is he at the apartment?'

Hisaki put both hands under her chin. In this calm and soothing moment, her mind inevitably reminded her of her old man. The appearance of the much older Heisuke overlay with the younger one.


In the tranquility, Hisaki's mouth moved gently. A serene melody found its way out of her lips, the tune slowly blended with the sounds of the leaves fluttering.

She hadn't hummed to the song for a long time.

When she and her old man recently got married before, Hisaki learned the tune from one of the daily morning dramas. Heisuke often teased her for growing attached to soap operas but, he would patiently listen to her whenever she wanted to rant about the characters and storylines.

As days went by, Hisaki fell in love with the melody.

The tune was repetitive yet, it was calming. On the nights her old man couldn't fall asleep, she hummed the song to soothe him. She especially loved the moment when they lay on the bed together.

A pool of crystal blurred Hisaki's gaze. Lights and shadows danced together as the sunlight permeated through the gaps between the leaves.

'What to do? I miss you so much even though you're here.'

'Darling, I really, really miss you.'

She had so many things to say to him, yet, she had to hold the words back. She might even have to bury them deep inside her heart.


"...Miss Chisaka?"

Startled by the sudden voice, Hisaki abruptly turned around. The crystal pools overflowed the moment the man's face was reflected in her eyes.

It was her old man.

One by one, her tears fell.

"Miss Chisaka! Are you alright? Did something happen?"

A frantic Heisuke immediately rushed to the crying Hisaki. Both of his hands flailed aimlessly as he tried to calm the young lady. In the end, he kneeled beside her chair.

Hisaki rubbed her eyes a few times but, her tears won't stop. She hadn't cried like this ever since she returned to the past yet, this time it was hard for her to calm herself.

The regret, grievances and fear that stemmed from the uncertainty of the new future almost ate her alive.

"...sorry... sorry...hicc... sorry..."

Hisaki could only apologize to Heisuke through her choked sobs.

Seeing she was unable to stop crying, Heisuke exhaled quietly. His gaze settled on her tiny shoulders that kept shaking.

For a second, a newfound desire was stirred within him. Heisuke tightly pressed his hands on his knees. He quickly shut down the thought of wanting to hold her.

"Miss Chisaka?" Heisuke deliberately softened his voice. His sharp monolid eyes also carried gentleness in them, "Did dust get into your eyes?"


Hisaki roughly rubbed her hands all over her face. Tears no longer trickled down her face but, her lips and shoulders still trembled.

Heisuke unknowingly sighed in relief. He slowly got up, "Wait here. I'll return soon."

As the man walked away from the place, Hisaki let her eyes lean on the man's broad back. She just realized that he wore the inn haori over his shirt. It was the same thing the other male staff wore.

Did he also come here to help?

Even though she was embarrassed to be seen crying by him, Hisaki couldn't deny that the weight of her heart lightened. It was better than being suffocated.


'Did dust get into your eyes?'

His coaxing manner was just the same as before.

The only different thing was... this time, he didn't hold her tenderly while gently kissing her face.