The Frail And Lonely Old Lady With A Bracelet

"En? Miss, what are you doing here?"

Hisaki was startled when she found that she was already in the room. Her body moved inside without her mind noticing it. Added to her surprise, the two female staffs who she was searching for were there. They even looked flustered seeing her appearance.

"Ah, I'm sorry!" Hisaki quickly bowed, she clasped her hands together, "I suddenly walked in without knocking. I'm sorry."

"It's fine," One of the attendants calmed her down, her tone was calm, "Is there anything we can help you with? Did you leave your belongings here?"

"About that..."

Hisaki slowly lifted up her head. Her gaze fell on what she saw in front of her.

There was an elderly lying on the hospital bed that was pushed to the corner of the room. Next to the bed was a tray of food.