A Lazy Weekend Morning

When the next Saturday came, Hisaki decided to just stay at home even though Heisuke asked if she wanted to join him in meeting Shuuya. She had a hunch that her old man wanted to get his friend's opinion regarding what she had told him before.

"You go and have a men's talk with Shuuya. I feel like just lazing around this weekend."

That was what Hisaki told Heisuke when they had just finished their night class last night. He brought up the subject at that time.

Because of her refusal, Heisuke looked as if he was so sad. If he had a pair of fluffy ears and a tail, Hisaki could picture them drooping.

"...okay. Then, do you want anything? I can get it for you before I return home," asked Heisuke again. He didn't persuade her to change her mind.

With a cheeky smile, Hisaki answered coyly, "I just want you. So make sure to return safely, okay?"

Heisuke's eyes lit up in an instant.