A Taste Of Happy Memories Of Her Past

Instead of taking a bus, Heisuke and Hisaki only ride on the bike. The former said he wanted to show a nearby place to her, somewhere that they had yet to explore together. It would be a good place for a picnic.

Hisaki only agreed with him. She didn't mind where he would be taking her because she trusted in his decision.

The picnic basket was placed in front of the bicycle. Heisuke carefully pedaled the bike, afraid that he would mess up the things inside the basket despite everything being secure in their respective containers.

Behind him, Hisaki was enjoying the wind brushing her hair. Because it was still quite early in the weekend morning, they hadn't seen not many people when passing by the roads.

Hisaki threw her gaze to one side of the road. It seemed like her old man was bringing her to the beach. She could already see the sandy white beach from where they currently were.

This was a familiar road to her. Was he bringing her there?