The Familiar Sweet And Rich Taste Of The Cake

Throughout Hisaki's childhood memory, her birthday had never been a memorable one. It was just like any other ordinary day.

Even though she tended to go to sleep with a slight anticipation for her birthday tomorrow, she would only be woken up with cold and harsh insults coming from her grandfather.

Unlike Mari and her other friends who celebrated their birthdays with cakes and small parties, Hisaki never got to experience standing in front of a delicious cream cake and making a wish.

The most she got from her family was a slice of castella cake and a quiet whisper of 'Happy Birthday' from her parents and Takuya.

Her grandfather detested her existence. How could he allow her to have a birthday celebration?

In the years Hisaki was still married to Igarashi Keigo, the unrecyclable garbage threw lavish birthday parties for her every year. Yet, she never felt happy with any one of them.