Coming Across The Traitor

On the appointed night, Hisaki and Heisuke walked out of the hotel at a quarter past seven o'clock. Together with the rest of the group, they returned from their schedule around six in the evening.

Standing outside the hotel, the couple stood next to one of the lamp posts. Their thick coats shielded them from the low temperature of autumn.

Neon lights in various colors had started to illuminate the surrounding areas, coming from the billboard advertisements, lights hanging outside the stores, and vehicles' headlights as well as taillights.

"Mari should be here soon," mentioned Hisaki. She was looking at her cell phone, reading the message sent by Mari earlier, "She has come out of the train. The station is just a ten-minute walk from here."

"She'll be here soon," Heisuke put a hand over Hisaki's side bangs. He was lightly touching her soft right cheek, "You're so excited, aren't you?"