I Feel Honored To Have The School Flower Dating Me

Mari and her friends brought Hisaki and Heisuke to a family restaurant. The restaurant was just a block away from the hotel, not too far.

While walking on the pedestrian street, Mari and Hisaki talked while the others only listened to them.

"I actually came here two weeks ago. I didn't expect that you'd stay around here," told Mari to Hisaki, "Have you visited any place? You did say your nighttime is free."

"We mostly roamed here," admitted Hisaki, "Well, I followed my colleagues to watch a movie last night."

Kiyomi kept talking about watching the newly released local romance movie.

The synopsis sounded so interesting and the leads were played by a popular heartthrob actor and a rising actress. Their talents and good looks were often discussed among fans. 

Because it was boring to just stay at the hotel, the others agreed.