This time, Hisaki didn't say anything to Heisuke. She just kept everything to herself even though her suspicions grew deeper.
Mr. Hokama didn't stay long at their table. He wished them to have a happy meal before leaving for the kitchen. He briefly greeted the staff that he met on his way there.
Once again Hisaki saw how the middle-aged man's gaze linger a moment longer on Mrs. Saeki. Every of the man's actions stirred new curiosities within Hisaki.
Was Mr. Hokama really harboring feelings for her mother-in-law? If it was true, since when?
As far as Hisaki knew, it was almost impossible for the two of them to cross paths together even though Heisuke could become the link between them.
To be honest, Hisaki didn't know much about Mr. Hokama.