The Story Between Them

"Before, I didn't dare to tell you. I know that your attention is always on your son. I'm coming forward with my feelings now because... I think that I might have a chance."

"...would you consider first? We can start by getting to know each other."

At that time, Mr. Hokama dropped Mrs. Saeki off at the apartment with the last words. He was being careful and respectful throughout the time he was professing to her.

Never once did he try to pressure her into accepting his feelings.

Still, Mrs. Saeki was muddle-headed afterward. She ended up being clumsy when she was at home. Fortunately, her son was not there yet.

When Heisuke finally returned with Hisaki later, Mrs. Saeki had already recomposed herself.

Mr. Hokama's confession still echoed in her mind but, there was nothing that Mrs. Saeki could do. The shock was too great for her to easily forget something like that.

After the event, Mr. Hokama didn't come seeking Mrs. Saeki.