What? Did My Joke Come True?

Until now, Mrs. Saeki had yet to come clean with Heisuke and Hisaki. She just let them have their doubts about Mr. Hokama.

The next day, Heisuke sought Mr. Kajiwara so early in the morning. He wanted to clarify the amount of the salary that was deposited this month.

The supervisor was handling some paperwork in his small office. Heisuke came forward with his intention.

"You need the pay slip?" Mr. Kajiwara was confused. Heisuke rarely asked for one before, "I need to request it from the finance department first. Could you wait for a few hours?"

Heisuke explained his situation, "Yesterday, I went to the ATM. I was shocked to see the amount in my account. That's why I want to check."

"Alright. Come again when it's lunch. Your pay slip should be ready at that time," Mr. Kajiwara easily agreed. He was just doing his responsibility as a supervisor.

"Thank you, Mr. Kajiwara. I'll go back to work."