He Yearned To Return Home

No one knew how anxious Hisaki was when she ran toward the park. Her mind couldn't stop conjuring countless questions and images.

Had Heisuke been there after leaving Shuuya's office?

Was Heisuke just sitting in the cold, wallowing in his despair due to the surprising revelation by Shuuya?

What Heisuke really felt right now? A conflict of anger and sorrow?

Hisaki ran, ran and ran. She never let go of the phone by her ear, afraid she might miss something even though Heisuke had ceased speaking.

Her legs began hurting. Her heart didn't stop beating erratically. She gasped for more air.

Once Hisaki arrived at the park, she was bewildered to see how dark it was. Only a few lamp posts brightened the area. Thinking that Heisuke was here all alone pricked her heart.

"Heisuke! Where are you? Heisuke!"

Hisaki ran further inside the park. She looked around her, trying to see through the darkness.