Her Heart Was Made Of Iron And Gold

Before going to Hisaki's apartment, Heisuke returned to his place first. He wanted to check on his mother as well as take a warm shower.

The clock had just struck a quarter past eleven in the night.

"Take your time. I'll prepare something warm and easy to stomach for you," said Hisaki before they parted in front of her door.

Even though both Hisaki and Mrs. Saeki saved some food for Heisuke, the dishes were quite heavy.

Hisaki knew that her old man usually would forgo any of that when his mood was low. He was someone who loved a bowl of plain soup during this kind of time.

Inside the apartment, Heisuke found that the lights in the living room were still on. The door of his mother's bedroom was shut close, signaling that she was already sleeping right now.

Not wanting to disrupt his mother's sleep, Heisuke was careful with his footsteps. He took off his jacket and sweater before grabbing the towel hanging on the wall.