You Have One More People To Back You Up

Heisuke still remembered what Mr. Hokama answered him after his refusal. The middle-aged man didn't show his disappointment.

"I know it might be hard for you to adjust but, I hope you remember that you have one more person to rely on."

Heisuke relayed the words to Hisaki.

"Uncle Yoshito is really..." Hisaki smiled with an imbue of helplessness, "Darling, I can see that he's trying to be a father figure to you."

"Yeah..." Heisuke didn't deny it, "I'm glad that he has that kind of thought. It's not that I want him to fulfill the father's role but... it's kind of reassuring?"

"Yes. It really is," answered Hisaki firmly.

Hisaki knew Heisuke needed time for this adjustment after only having Mrs. Saeki as his close family. The mother and son's world was so small, they relied on one another for everything.