She Had Just Gone But, His Heart Was Already Missing Her

After the hot spring trip ended, it was time to get busier because the end of the year was approaching.

Hisaki's leave was approved by Mr. Mayeda. She could go back one day early, on December 29th. Her ticket was scheduled for eight o'clock.

Heisuke accompanied Hisaki to the train station. He purposedly exchanged his morning shift with Tadao's evening one.

Even though Hisaki could take the bus by herself, he still wanted to send her off. They would be separated for almost a week. It was best to spend as much time together as possible.

The train station was packed with more crowds. Most of them were people who would head to their hometowns for New Year.

Standing at the platform while waiting for the bullet train to arrive, Heisuke kept reminding Hisaki about a few things.

"Send my regards to your parents. Text me when you've arrived, en? Keep yourself warm. The north should be colder than here."