I'll Just Be Frank From Now On

When Heisuke was having a talk with Mr. Hokama earlier, he was surprised by what his stepfather had in store for him. It was more than attending a social gathering together!

An hour before.

Inside the study room that was filled with books and documents, the two men sat opposite each other with the huge mahogany desk standing between them.

"I'm sure you still remember what I've told you before," Mr. Hokama smilingly brought up the past event to Heisuke, "Since you've agreed to attend the event, I'll just be frank from now on."

Heisuke only nodded quietly, waiting for his stepfather to continue talking. Somehow, he sensed anticipation and excitement in the man's eyes.

"First, I want you to know that I'm not forcing you into any of this. If you have a different view than me, please tell me. All of this is my plan but, you're the one who makes the final decision."