Being Doubtful Won't Bring Me Anywhere

"So, you agree?"

Hisaki's eyes were twinkling with adoration the more she listened to Heisuke. From how her old man behaved, seemed like he had come to the same agreement as Mr. Hokama.

"I'm not that confident but... I shouldn't let go of this chance, right?" replied Heisuke. He brushed one thumb over Hisaki's right cheek.

Both of them were still in the yard of Mr. Hokama's house. They moved from the tree. Now they sat on a garden bench sitting under an arch pavilion.

In front of them was the vast view of the yard. The moon was gently sprinkling its light all over the flower bushes.

"That's good, yes, that's really good," Hisaki couldn't stop smiling. She repeatedly nodded her head, "Continue with the program then, you can bring the experience to Uncle's place. It might take years but, I believe that it'd be worth it."