His Other Intention Of Meeting His Estranged Friend

Heisuke and Hisaki unveiled their plan to Mrs. Saeki and Mr. Hokama during their weekly dinner together. The lovebirds also told them that they would head to the capital this Saturday.

"It's a good plan, really," Mrs. Saeki was pleased to hear that. She looked at Heisuke and Hisaki fondly, "He'll be happy with the invitation."

Mr. Hokama also shared the same opinion as his wife. He didn't mind it as long as the soon-to-be-married couple was okay with it.

Thus, with the elders' approval, Heisuke and Hisaki headed to the capital city on Saturday morning. They departed at six in the morning to reach there as soon as possible. Their arrival time should be around noon.

The bullet train was not crowded with people yet even though it was the weekend due to its early hours. The couch where the lovebirds booked their seats was half-empty.

"I've contacted Kousuke. We'll meet him at the hotel for dinner. En, are you sleepy?"