What Kind Of Help Do You Need?

That night, Heisuke and Hisaki headed down to the restaurant in the lobby of the hotel. Kousuke had notified Heisuke that he had arrived. He was waiting for them inside a private dining room.

"Wait, Heisuke."

Halting her steps, Hisaki tugged at Heisuke's left sleeve as they got nearer to the restaurant. Her forehead was marred with a frown, showing how uneasy she was.

Smiling, Heisuke also ceased walking. He led Hisaki away from where they initially stopped to avoid bumping into other people. The lovebirds retreated to somewhere near a pot of bamboo tree.

"Still worrying, my wife?" asked Heisuke, his tone was light. His calm expression was a contrast to Hisaki's anxious one.

Biting her lower lip, Hisaki nodded. She still held to Heisuke's sleeve before he took her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I won't be able to do much alone. Kousuke is the right choice. I don't want to involve Shuuya or Uncle Yoshito in this."