Do You Want Him Imprisoned?

From the time Kousuke received Heisuke's request to meet him, he was already ready with various possibilities. He wanted to assist his old friend in whatever Heisuke needed, no matter at what cost.

But, the wedding invitation surprised Kousuke. He did hear about Heisuke and Hisaki's wedding before the autumn ended but, he didn't expect to be invited.

"Heisuke, please tell me," Kousuke repeated his words, his gaze brimming with resolution, "I'm not saying this because of this gift but, it's because I really want to help you all I can."

Heisuke smiled in helplessness. Hearing how Kousuke referred to the wedding invitation as a gift made him happy.

"Let's talk after dinner," said Heisuke, intending to lengthen the time between them, "I haven't heard anything about you after that night. I'm sorry for not contacting you either until now."