Three magical words

In the evening, Édouard and Charlotte got ready to go to the market. As they walked through the corridor, they encountered Aurora.

"How is Princess Charlotte?" Aurora asked.

"I am good," Charlotte replied.

Édouard didn't look at Aurora and kept his gaze on Charlotte. Aurora felt upset as it was the first time Édouard was angry at her.

"Are the Prince and Princess going outside?" Aurora asked.

"Yes," Charlotte said with a smile.

"We will be late, Charlotte. Let's go," Édouard said. She smiled at Aurora and left with Édouard.

Aurora turned to look and clutched the edges of her gown tightly. Édouard's words that he only liked Charlotte hurt her badly. When the news of Édouard's marriage arrived in the Aezha palace, she was not a bit happy. She was supposed to marry Édouard, so why didn't it happen?

Charlotte got into the carriage first, followed by Édouard.

When the chauffeur drove the carriage, Charlotte asked Édouard what happened between him and Aurora.