Turned Frantic after you returned

Kenric put the document on the table as he heard from the servant that Édouard had come to see him.

"Let Prince Édouard come in," Kenric said and leaned back on the chair.

"I think I disturbed you," Édouard said.

"Not at all," Kenric asserted and asked Édouard to take a seat.

"Are you calm? You gave me heartbreak when I heard from Rainard that you would leave for Escana. Is our friendship this weak?" Kenric taunted him.

"For our friendship, I did not take strict action. It took me a lot of effort to convince Charlotte of this marriage. Whenever someone says that she was a widow, my blood boils. Charlotte even tried to take her life once because of all this," Édouard said and let out a frustrated sigh.

"It must be tough for Princess Charlotte. I am feeling guilty about what my sister and friends did," Kenric stated and lowered his head.

"Do not be guilty of their acts. I have another important matter to discuss with you," Édouard said.