To sway women's hearts [Bonus chapter]

Édouard returned to the chamber after having a long conversation with Kenric. Upon Kenric's suggestion, Édouard decided to take Charlotte out as that would make her happy.

When he entered the bedchamber, he found Charlotte was not there. He found the balcony door open and went there. Charlotte had her hands on the top rail of the baluster. Her gaze was fixated on the far green hill.

Édouard quietly stood behind her and whispered in her ear, "Cherry."

Charlotte blinked and tilted her head to look at him. Édouard stood next to her and smiled at her.

"Did you apologize?" Charlotte asked.

"I did," Édouard replied.

"You didn't make her cry, right? We are here as guests. We aren't supposed to be angry at the royalty here," Charlotte stated.

Édouard realized that Charlotte was a soft type of person. He agreed with her words and asked her if she would like to go out.

"Again?" Charlotte asked.