Beautiful curves

Charlotte stepped out of the carriage, holding her gown. Rainard closed the door and asked her to follow him. She looked at the entrance of the government building where Édouard would work.

The gatekeepers at the gate bowed in her respect and she walked in.

"Is Édouard strict with everyone here?" Charlotte inquired. She saw the officials running earlier which made her wonder if Édouard called them.

"His Grace has to be strict on some matters, else the officials turn lazier," Rainard said in a low voice.

She ascended the stairs and reached the top. Charlotte turned her right behind Rainard when she saw Édouard coming from the front. She halted and so did Rainard to see him.

Édouard stopped talking with the two officials behind him as he saw Charlotte. He walked up to her and told the two officials to give him the report in the palace later in the evening.