I was too close to you [Bonus chapter]

"You smell of roses today," Édouard whispered and kissed right below her ear before showering kisses on her neck. Her breathings were heavy. The touch of his lips shuddered her.

"Your Grace, it is the time to meet the selected people."

They both heard Rainard's voice from outside.

"He disturbed us," Édouard whispered, and his nose nuzzled her neck.

Charlotte gently pushed him away while smiling. "The Duke should focus on the work first," she said and licked her lips. She stepped ahead of him while he walked behind her.

As they reached the door, Édouard strode across her and opened it. Rainard was standing outside with a serious look on his face.

Charlotte stepped out and walked ahead of them.

"Do you have to call us at the crucial time only?" Édouard whispered as he walked along with Rainard.

"What does His Grace mean?" Rainard asked with a bewildered expression.