Seduce your husband [Bonus chapter]

Christian was shocked to hear the message of Édouard from the messenger that he has no interest in coming to the Escana Palace.

He dismissed the messenger and gazed at his Queen, Anneliese. "Your son defied the King. What do you have to say on this?" Christian's jaw clenched as he complained to Anneliese.

She didn't utter any word as she knew it would only increase King Christian's temperament.

"Will the Queen remain quiet only?" King Christian almost burst out in anger, but seeing the head steward before him he controlled it a bit.

"Head Steward can leave," Christian said and now only he was left with his wife.

"Your Majesty, Prince Édouard has Wexnon affairs to look into. That may be the chief reason why he isn't here," Queen Annaliese replied in a polite manner.