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Édouard got the report about last night's explosion in the storehouse. The explosion happened because of the firecrackers material that was present in the same storehouse in bulk.

"We got scared last night for no reason," Rainard said.

"I agree," Édouard said and wore the black glove in his left hand.

"Ask the shop owner to pay the fines for all the damages that happened," Édouard stated.

"But Your Grace, he is already at a loss," Rainard asserted.

"Isn't this his fault for putting such explosive materials in the storehouse? What if people had died? Just do as I say and also tell the market inspector to check the other shops as well," Édouard commanded.

"I understand, Your Grace," Rainard said.

"Escort Charlotte to the carriage. Tell her I will be there soon," Édouard stated.

Rainard bowed and left to see Charlotte. Édouard, on the other hand, went to see Ramiro.

"Forgive me. I could not see you last night," Édouard apologized to Ramiro.