Shameless with you

Anneliese was delighted to hear Édouard and Charlotte were in the palace. Her husband succeeded in bringing them to the castle. However, she didn't go to see them and decided to see her husband first.

Anneliese walked into the King's chamber and found his consorts were already present there.

Seeing the Queen, they bowed to her, but Ariane remained seated next to Christian. He was drinking water. Ariane took the glass from him and gave it to the servant.

"Shouldn't the Queen be with her son?" Ariane asked. "She doesn't need to show her fake concern toward the King," she remarked.

Anneliese ignored her and glanced at her husband. "How was the journey? His Majesty must be tired," she said in her polite tone.

"Consort Ariane should give respect to the Queen," Christian said and asked her to get up. Anneliese was stunned to hear the King and Ariane stood up.

Christian asked Anneliese to sit next to her and started speaking.