Her marital relationship

Charlotte brushed her hair while looking at the mirror before her. Earlier, she got the message from the Head Steward that in the evening, the entire royal family would be together.

She tilted her head and saw Édouard was in a deep sleep. She prepared a special tea for him: a valerian root tea, which was good to treat insomnia.

Charlotte placed the brush on the dresser before her. Braiding her few hair strands, she clipped them and rose to her feet. She walked to the bed and covered Édouard with the blanket.

She sat on the mattress and placed her hand above his forehead. A tiny smile appeared on her lips as she caressed his forehead.

After a while, she drew her hand back and went out of the chamber. She wanted to see Anneliese first and asked the servant, who was coming from the front, to take her to the Queen's chamber.