Brighten my days

Charlotte stepped into the balcony on the second floor and stood by the balustrade. Everything was covered in green. A river was flowing far from the cottage and she decided to go there later.

She went to the room and saw Édouard was on the bed. "This place is no less than paradise," she said and sat on the foot of the bed.

"Édouard, I saw earlier a hill from the carriage. Its top was covered in clouds. Can we go to the top?" Charlotte asked with prying eyes.

"I will take you there tomorrow," Édouard said and asked her to come ahead.

She brought her legs up and crawled to him. Sitting next to him, Charlotte asked, "Are you still sleepy?"

Édouard shook his head. "I slept enough," he said. "It's the truth," he added and looked at the red emerald pendant that she was wearing. She had put it on after many days and it made him happy.

"You weren't wearing this for the past few days," Édouard said, gazing at the pendant. Charlotte lowered her head and hummed.