Not to force me[Bonus chapter]

"I heard Prince Édouard has taken his wife out," Matilda said as she sat down on the sofa chair across from Andrew.

"I did not know until Princess Matilda told me. I wonder how she found out," Andrew said and closed the file in his hand. He placed it on the table and placed the fountain pen above it.

"I encountered the Queen earlier and happened to find her." Matilda looked at the file and asked Andrew if she disturbed him during his work.

"If I will say the truth, then Princess Matilda may not like it," Andrew said. He did not like this woman at all, especially after what she did yesterday. He wanted to speak this to her face, but before that, he wanted to find out her true intentions.

"Prince Andrew should speak the truth around me. I do not like haters," Matilda said.

"Princess Matilda came at a time when I was looking into a very important matter," Andrew promptly replied.

"I will come later then," Matilda said.