Her heartbeats shot high [Bonus chapter]

Édouard entered the study room with Rainard. He sat on the leather chair and took the envelope from him. Édouard checked it and read the document. It had some code language, which he decoded.

"The spy has found the man who helped Mathieu," Édouard asserted and looked at Rainard.

"What are we supposed to do next, Your Grace?" Rainard asked.

"We do not need to do anything. I trust my spy. He would bring the man here. Then, we will investigate further," Édouard stated and asked Rainard to burn the envelope. He took it from the Duke and put it inside his pocket.

"Take a seat," Édouard told Rainard, who pulled the chair out and sat on it.

"I asked my father about Damien," Rainard informed Édouard, who carried an inquisitive gaze. "Your Grace, Damien's mother was poisoned when he turned ten. She did not lose her life in the fire. The fire was set after that," he said.