If he fails, she will die

Édouard ran to see Charlotte as soon as the servant informed him she was poisoned. When reached outside the bedchamber, he found everyone was gathered there. His mother was crying profusely.

He pushed the door in and walked in. Two royal doctors were present in the bedchamber to examine her.

Édouard ran to the bed and gazed at Charlotte, lying unconscious. Her lips were purplish and her entire body looked paler. The royal physicians quickly stood up while one of them explained the situation of Charlotte to him.

He got onto his knees and placed his hand on her cheek. "Save her at all costs. I will take your lives if anything happened to her," Édouard coldly said. Tears appeared in his eyes, and his eyelids got wet, but he quickly wiped them.

"Your Grace, the poison is consumed in high amounts. The survival chances are less," the same physician said.