Charlotte, you have to survive [Bonus chapter]

Damien stood up from the chair and stretched his arms out. He looked at the pendulum watch and found it was past midnight. Rainard entered the chamber and gazed at Damien.

"How is Her Grace?" Rainard asked.

"Her Grace is alive," Damien said, "that's the only thing I can tell at this moment."

He walked toward the window and pushed it open to breathe some fresh air. Rainard looked at Charlotte, who was fighting the battle between life and death.

"Who do you think poisoned Princess Charlotte?" Damien asked as he looked at the clear, night sky.

"Many don't like Princess Charlotte. I cannot even make a guess because that will be inappropriate," Rainard answered and looked in his direction.

"I cannot believe this royal family didn't change a bit!" Damien snorted and tilted his head over his shoulder. "I heard Prince Édouard was in Wexnon. Why did he come here where his wife's life was in danger?" He inquired.