Édouard should not reach

Christian gazed at Ariane and Beatrice as he found out that they both poisoned Charlotte. In the early morning, they both were standing their heads down in front of him. Both of them were terrified, especially Beatrice.

"Last night you two tried to poison Charlotte again. Am I right?" Christian asked both of them. His confidant, Igor, narrowly gazed at both the consorts.

"We didn't da-dare to do it," Beatrice said while stuttering.

"Your Majesty, Consort Beatrice is lying," Igor said and showed the evidence to Christian. "This soup was supposed to be fed to Princess Charlotte. Knight Rainard was himself checking after tasting the content of the liquid that was supposed to be fed to Her Grace," Igor explained to Christian.

Beatrice immediately got on her knees and begged for forgiveness from Christian.

"What about you, Ariane? Did you arrange that poison?" Christian furrowed his brows while questioning her.