Never hurt my son [Bonus chapter]

Christian ordered not to hold the council meeting because of the emergency. In his chamber, Christian strolled back and forth, waiting for Anneliese to come.

"Your Majesty, did you call for me?"

Christian stopped walking upon hearing Anneliese's voice and turned to face her. Igor was behind the Queen with his head low.

"The servants are dismissed," Christian said. The chamber emptied soon while Anneliese wondered why Christian called her at that hour.

"Anneliese, did you take your breakfast?" Christian asked.

"No. I was going to do with Édouard and Charlotte," Anneliese said. "What about His Majesty? I suppose he had already taken his breakfast," she said.

"I had no appetite in the morning," Christian said and asked Anneliese to follow him. They were both seated around a circular table on which various meals were present.

"His Majesty should visit Princess Charlotte once and ask for her health. Prince Édouard will like it," Anneliese said.