A Trap [Bonus chapter]

Édouard kissed the top of Charlotte's head and saw her sleeping peacefully. He put her arm inside the blanket and gently sat up on the bed. He gently caressed her hair before getting out of bed. He put on his shirt and left the chamber. He told Zoe to stay near Charlotte before heading out.

Before coming to the chamber, and waiting for Charlotte, Édouard had found out what his mother told her. He stayed quiet because Charlotte also hid it from him.

He was a bit upset with his mother, but he didn't go to see her and ask her why she said all that to Charlotte. He knew somewhere his father manipulated his mother to say all those things to Charlotte.

Édouard halted outside his study and took out the key from the pockets of his trousers and unlocked the door. He pushed the door in and walked in. Closing it behind him, he went to the window and opened it first.