I am glad you chose me [Bonus chapter]

Charlotte after waking up didn't find Édouard on the bed. She sat up on the bed and found her gown hanging on the chair while she was in chemise only.

"Your Grace!" Zoe softly said and took a few steps forward.

"I want to take a bath," Charlotte said.

Zoe bowed and walked out to inform the servants about it. When she entered the bedchamber, she saw Charlotte had put on a silk robe.

"Is Her Grace alright?" Zoe asked her.

"I am," Charlotte said and passed a smile to her.

"That's a relief," Zoe said.

"When did the Prince leave?" Charlotte questioned her.

"An hour ago, Your Grace," Zoe replied. "Her Grace must be upset because there is pressure on His Grace to marry Princess Matilda. Am I right?" She humbly asked.

"It is not the pressure of marriage on Prince Édouard, which is the reason for worry but it is the announcing of war against two kingdoms," Charlotte stated.