Not a rash decision [Bonus chapter]

The next morning, after having a meeting with chief aristocrats for more than three hours, Édouard put the new tax policy documented file in front of his father on the table.

"It is done, Father. The aristocrats are ready for the new taxation policy. Now, only Father's orders are needed to bring it into implementation," Édouard explained to his father.

Christian picked the file up and read the documents inside it. Édouard remained standing for a few minutes when his father asked him to sit down.

"Alright. I am glad you find out the solution to it before heading to the Gavaria Kingdom," Christian said and reached the last few pages of the document, where the signatures of the one fifty aristocrats were present.

"Why does Father appear calmer than usual? I thought he would create a fit on my decision of taking Charlotte with me to Gavaria," Édouard stated.