You need to wake up, Brother

Niamh handed the glass of wine to Édouard, who came to see him after making Charlotte fall asleep.

Niamh settled across from him on the couch and took a little sip of wine before putting it on the table.

"I will not ask for an apology from you since my sister was at fault," Niamh said.

"Why is Matilda so obsessed with me?" Édouard asked him.

"As I told you earlier, you are like our Father. Matilda thinks she will not find a man like you and the way she has an upper hand over our father, she thinks she can have the same over you," Niamh stated. "Foolish, right?" He snickered.

"Yes," Édouard agreed with his remark and drank the wine.

"For now, Matilda and Princess Charlotte should not see each other. Matilda gets crazy when someone hurts her," Niamh asserted and recalled a memory from childhood. He shared it with Édouard, who was shocked to learn about that.

"She punished her best friend!?" Édouard should not have expected lesser from her.