To keep you alive [Bonus chapter]

Édouard and Charlotte looked at Lady Bimson, who delivered Matilda's message to them. "Princess Matilda wants to have dinner with all of you. I will come an hour later to show you the way to the dining hall," she said.

"Sure. We will show our presence," Édouard said.

With a simple nod, Lady Bimson left the chamber.

"Why did she suddenly invite for the dinner?" Charlotte asked. She wondered what Matilda must be planning to harm them.

"Perhaps she wants to rectify her mistake," Édouard replied.

"Do you think so? I have doubts, Édouard," Charlotte said and went to the balcony in the room. He walked behind her and told her Niamh might have talked with his sister.

"You look eager to go on this dinner," Charlotte stated.

"I want to end the matter with her soon. Nothing more," Édouard asserted.

"By going on the dinner?" Charlotte arched his eyebrow.