I have no value

"Don't you want to wake up?" Charlotte asked Édouard while caressing his hair.

Édouard opened his eyes gradually and peered at her. "When did you get ready?" he muttered and sat up on the bed.

"I woke up two hours ago," Charlotte replied and moved out of bed. She picked up a pair of clothes for him from the table and handed it to Édouard. "Go and freshen up," she said.

"You can put them in the dressing chamber. I will change there after taking a bath," Édouard said.

Charlotte put the clothes on his lap. "You are late, Prince. This is the first time in your life," she stated.

"So, is it a bad thing? Didn't you want to cure my insomnia?" Édouard asked her.

"That does not mean you have to be late. Charles is surprised to find that the prince isn't awake till now," she said.

"He should blame my wife then," Édouard stated and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

"How am I the reason for your laziness?" Charlotte complained and hit his bare chest.